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TITLE:  Fail the Faith Test
TEXT:  Genesis 22:1-3
PROPOSITION:  When put to the test, some people fail.
KEY WORD:  Tests



  1. Our faith is often put to the test.
    1. Sometimes we test ourselves.
    2. Sometimes others test our faith
    3. Life can often put us to the test
  2. When our faith is put to the test – we pass or fail


  1. Personal or family crisis
    1. Child, spouse with illness
    2. Marital problems
    3. Dealing with some handicap
    4. Galatians 6:2
    5. 1 Corinthians 15:10
  2. Life Transitions
    1. Graduation
    2. Changing jobs
    3. Having a child
    4. Mid-life, empty nest
    5. Retirement
    6. Matthew 13:22
  3. Disappointment with brethren
    1. Nobody missed me
    2. Elders don’t care what I think
    3. Hypocrisy in the church
    4. I do not defend wrong actions – BUT:

                                                               i.      Are the preacher or elders your basis of faith?

                                                              ii.      Is a hypocrite closer to God than you are?

  1. Moving to a new community
    1. Change homes, schools, churches, jobs, etc.
    2. Genesis 12:1, 7
    3. Does it make sense to:

                                                               i.      Continue to worship with other imperfect saints?

                                                              ii.      Drop out because they are not perfect?

  1. Guilt
    1. Repent, pray for forgiveness
    2. Accept God’s grace
    3. Hebrews 8:12 – remember no more
    4. We fail to forgive ourselves
  2. Extended illness – absence
    1. Hebrews 10:25
    2. Gone more than 6 – 8 weeks – we fill the hole
  3. Burn out
    1. Many feel tired, unappreciated, worn out
    2. “Coat and pants do all the work, tie gets all the gravy.”
    3. Teachers, trapped in a class
    4. Preachers, elders, deacons
  4. Feeling of Isolation
    1. Elijah felt all alone – 1 Kings 19
    2. No one stood with Paul on trial
    3. 2 Timothy 4:16-17


  1. How is your faith?
  2. Can it pass the test?


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